The dream of the Order has dissipated, yet there are still those who will not give up on their original intent.
— The traveler whose wings were clipped... whereto shall his footsteps lead?

I GOT HIMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I only had around 220 pulls + what we got from 2.7 so I was fully expecting to have to spend money to get him and his LC. Lost first 2 times to Yanqing and his LC and was expecting the worse then!!!! OMFG!!!!!

IM SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was literally SHAKING and unable to breathe properly VERY normal behaviour but WAAAAAAH

I'd already prefarmed everything ehe :3c
aah ive been up since before 6am i was too excited and now it's nearly 5am so... i need sleep.... i get to use him more tomorrow and think up some more coherent thoughts......

lin Lv. 70
UID 718487457 (EU)

This loser is the entire reason I downloaded this god forsaken game in the first place! I saw his design and just immediately fell in love and HAD to see him in game... and now I have the worst brainrot mankind has ever seen. I've been waiting very (not) patiently for him to be playable since then and FINALLY... he is here...
"There's always a paradise that needs to be built. That vow is like the sun in the sky — perhaps I'll melt and fall before reaching it... But some hardships I must endure."
Story super TLDR! Sunday is the former head of the Oak Family and the organiser of the Charmony Festival. We meet him when travelling to Penacony (2.X story) where he's largely a background character we know little about for the first parts of the story.
Following the 'deaths' that take place, he takes on a larger role in the story, trying to find the traitors responsible while also carrying out his plan to bring Order to Penacony (effectively trapping everyone in the dream where they are free from the harshness of reality).
The Astral Express are able to stop him (by crashing their train into him!) and he is then arrested by the Family. Robin negotiates with Jade for his release but he refuses her help.
And that's all for now (as of updating this page :3c)!! We don't currently know what this guy is up to but the 2.7 stream revealed that he escaped and returned to Penacony to complete a "final performance" before embarking on a new venture (joining the Express #AFFIRM). There's also a rumour that he got hit by a car explaining his disappearance which I found very funny.

"My brother seems to believe that he should shoulder more responsibilities. He always listens carefully to my problems, but hardly ever confides in me... Perhaps in his eyes, I'm still his kid sister."
"My brother has always been my protector, and I've never contemplated stepping out of his shadow... Yet even though we may take different paths, I am... still his little sister."
Sunday can be SUCH a misinterpreted character it makes me so sad. To be clear, he is (obviously) a deeply flawed character - his whole 'trapping people in a dream' thing and some other morally questionable Choices... BUT he is also a very complex character who I think about a lot.
He was willing to sacrifice himself to create an eternal paradise for the weak... all his symbolism to Christ and specifically his crucifixion... we got Jesus in HSR.
I want to type up like an entire character analysis at some point but this all requires so much brain power so I shall leave everyone in suspense for now.

I LOVE SUNDAYS DESIGN!! I LOVE BIBLICAL IMAGERY IN MEDIA!!! lemme just have a poorly worded ramble
OG Design
He's of the Halovian race - hence the wings and halo. Halos vary between halovians! His has 3 eyes referencing Ena (Order Aeon) and 'be not afraid' bitches and 7 points (days of the week mayhaps). It also looks like a crown of thorns :(
He also has piercings in his wing (coincidentally the same side I have my helix piercings :3 (not relevant it just makes me happy)) which I just think are SO cool. I also find them so interesting given how out of place they are with the rest of his very formal outfit. I think they're just his way of expressing himself in a lowkey way while still fitting his role as the Oak Family head (while also referencing the Bible w the crucifixion in a subtle way).
Also!! His wings are expressive!!! He can wiggle them and it's so cute!!!!!!
His eyes are the same colours as Ena and are just very pretty... I find it so fun that HSR designs eyes in such a cool way for a lot of characters btw - referencing parts of their character in fun ways! His face is also just so soft and nice, he's so pretty :> aaa and more (regular) piercings!! These are more obvious and fitting.
His main outfit has more eye imagery! There's also a very obvious thorn design on his coat (thing) and sleeves. If all of this was somehow too subtle, he also has cutouts of crosses in his gloves. These could also more specifically symbolise the stigmata (wounds Jesus received during the crucifixion). There's also pin things above his shoes :((( Also the rings he wears are hot just had to put that out there.
There's also a slightly less obvious cross across his chest with golden rays. As well as the gold... thing? on his back that look like more wings. His undershirt also looks like another pair of wings! These are darker - fallen angel type beat. I've seen people think these are actual wings but he does just,, wear wing clothes ig
His colours are so soft and pleasing and nice woa I mean: Aaa I am not a colour analyist or whatever but I was looking into meanings so!! The whites/light greys are often associated with purity, divinity and holiness. As well as the grey,, literally being grey with him being a pretty morally grey character. Purples are often a colour of priesthood in biblical context - a purple robe was placed on Christ when he was mocked as a 'king'. The golds are SO pretty, I love them a LOT!! They also represent divinity! Blue is traditionally linked with the heavens and truth (ironic given he's a lying b).
Aaaaaaaaa before doing extra research for this, I didn't realise quite how MUCH imagery/symbolism he has!! It's so interesting and cool!!!
he has other designs ill yap about another time maybe :)
also he :3

My favourite character trailers!! I watch them a lot :P