These are text/image heavy and are to document my journies as I go. Any deemed worthy shall get more defined blog-style posts.
I plan on making a much more in depth blog-style post covering this, as well as some proper RNG guides! This is moreso just a quick journal of any progress I make! That being said...
Programs used:
pokefinder and
Pokemon locations by badge.
Dex/general progress currently tracked
(plan to change).

Today I decided that it was finally time to get back into RNG manipulation and begin this save!
I'd actually completely forgotten how to RNG my TID but after a quick refresher, I was good to go :D
Latios is one of my favourite pokemon which is why I wanted to make sure I could RNG a perfect one in this playthrough (although that won't be for a while T_T).

To begin with, I had to find a suitable PID. (ignore the 'star', this is based on the tid/sid I worked out later). I was looking for timid, 5 30-31iv, low attack and hidden power fire. This seems like a lot... because it is. This is why I needed to work out the TID/SID from the PID, rather than the other way around.
Another way to make this easier is to synchronise the nature - this is something I'll have to remember when I'm going for the Latios.
Anyway, with all of that, I was able to find a PID that fit my needs: C84BA384.

From this PID, I can calculate TID/SID combinations that I can use. All of these have the same shiny value so it's entirely down to TID preference which one I go for!
I couldn't find anything super interesting so just decided on 3003 - noticeably RNG'd, but not particularly amazing. Oh well :P
Finally, it was time for the actual RNG!

I used the TID's seed to find the date/time I'd need then set up eon timer. There actually isn't much to say here: after calibrating it, I managed to hit the ID in a few attempts (although I hit both 5035 and 5039 first... because of course I did T_T)! And with that...

We did it and SHARK is ready to go! I plan on just getting through the game relatively quickly so I can get to the fun stuff although plans can always change! But that's all for now, bye bye o7

Started RNGing some guys!
I rushed through the first 2 gyms after picking cyndaquil as my starter. Fully intended on continuing until I saw... Him.
Juggler Irwin is super important for RNG in these games! He's used to find out whether or not you hit your seed/finding your seed if you did miss it.
You can find him after you've collected 2 badges, above Goldenrod City. This is also conveniently when you get access to the daycare.
As much as I appreciated all my little (now) quilava had done for me... I couldn't resist the temptation :P
I traded over the pokemon I've used when RNGing since forever and it was time to get my first pokemon for this quest.
I don't feel like going into full detail for today but here she is!

Inspired by this morning's news and currently being in Iceland, I called her Eldfjall ^^
I checked her IVs and also EV trained her (which was very painful because I somehow lost count seemingly every other battle). Now she just needs levels and her eventual moveset, but things like that (and most other training) will be postgame.
It was at this point I decided that instead of playing through the game as fast as possible, I'd do a sort of mini professor oak challenge - collecting all the pokemon I could in the section before each badge.
This was only because I really enjoy RNGing and so this isn't a super strict, official rule but I thought it might be fun to just collect pokemon for a while.
The next one I'll be going for is ampharos. Originally, I wanted to just catch one wild before realising that would be pretty much impossible, but since I'll eventually want a full shiny living dex...

I'll be using this little guy for the breeding ;3
That's all! I don't expect to post every single pokemon I get but since these were 2 new RNG methods (for this run) I thought they were worth mentioning! Future posts will likely be less frequent, more summaries, and with less images.
Have a good day/night/whatever, byeee!