I got to spend the winter of this year in the north of Iceland! I've been meaning to make some sort of page for it since then but had no idea where/how I wanted it but here it is now!
I took a LOT of pictures so I decided I just wanted somewhere to log them all with some info dumping :>

This church had to be rebuilt in 1865 after (according to stories) monks let the original burn down while drinking.
I really love church architecture (not religious lol) and just thought this was so !!! All the little stars on the ceiling !!!!!

On that topic, to the North is Grímsey which is actually on the Arctic Circle!
Two places I'd like to go to if I get to visit again.

The deadliest air accident in Iceland happened here when a passenger plane crashed into the side of a mountain - 1947 Héðinsfjörður plane crash.

The name literally means 'lake of light'. A landslide nearby actually created another lake :P

It's name means 'waterfall of the gods'. There's another waterfall to the south I learned about called Barnafoss (children's waterfall) named that because of the story of two children who fell into the river and drowned while their parents went to church for Christmas Mass. They had fallen off of a natural stone bridge which was destroyed afterwards - either the mother had it destroyed to prevent another accident, by spell or curse, or just erosion.

Hverfjall (last image) is a volcano you can hike up! I'd never seen a volcano irl before so I wanted to walk up it right there and then... maybe next time.
The eruptions near Reykavik started a bit before I got to Iceland so that was also exciting :P
aah Iceland has so much volcanic activity - some of the largest effusive eruptions happened in Iceland: of Laki and Katla.

I've never watched Game of Thrones but this was one of the places in Iceland where some of it was filmed - forgot the rest and honestly don't especially care about that.

It's located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where the North American and Eurasian plates meet (hence: volcanic activity). This means you're standing on a different plate either side of the ridge!

Hákarl... fermented shark... was on this day. I didn't try it since vegetarian + just. not wanting to eat sharkies especially. but it STANK! It's greenland shark specifically and smells really strongly of ammonia. The whole process of preparing it is interesting, since greenland sharks would give you v bad food poisoning otherwise, but it just makes me sad so,
Greenland sharks are found in icelandic waters and are one of my favourite shark species! They're funny looking and smell like pee! They're a type of sleeper shark and live in cold waters but the most exciting fact is that they take around 150 years to fully grow and can live for up to 400 years!!!! I got a poster with icelandic sea creatures on I'd seen in a random fish and chips shop in Siglufjörður that's also cool :P Just had to share that.

I also had a bunch of nice pastries/treats whilst there! My favourite was Sörur!!
I was genuinely surprised to see Nandos outside of the UK it just feels Wrong.

All the traffic lights in Akureyri have heart lights which is so cute - everywhere should have this.

I loved the few months I got to spend here soo much!! It really is just such a beautiful country and I've never seen so much snow in my life!!!
This was nearly a year ago now and I did do/learn some other things but it's just hard to remember + over 150 pictures here alone... I think I've covered enough...
In saying that! This was a while ago and I'm mostly going by memory since I did a terrible job of noting things down so please forgive any mistakes :') I did try to fact check as best as I could but things like folklore can vary based on who's telling the story or I might have just mixed some names up :')))
All that being said, I hope you found this interesting if you did read this far! I can't recommend visiting here enough :D
I plan to visit again one summer to see some different areas including the south so you can scroll past a video of me discovering the joys of blocks of snow if you are interested in some more landmarks/things I found interesting that I haven't actually visited (yet).
In the north in summer, Iceland experiences 24 hour days!
I'd also like to do a multi day hike with camping one time...
The Ring Road
Basically, I want to do this. It's a road trip that goes around Iceland!
FV Epine (GY7)
The remains of a shipwreck that are still on a beach. The ship was actually built near where I'm from which is why it fascinates me So much.
Crashed DC 3 Plane
More remains - this time of a plane! (Everyone survived this one dw). I promise I like things other than wrecks but they Are cool to see.
The largest glacier in Europe!
Beeg church in Akureyri. Technically I DID see it but it was under construction so it doesn't count to me.
And the beeg Reykavik church with the crazy architecture.
Massive waterfall.
Europe's biggest waterfall by volume.
Active geothermal area - geysers!
Eyjafjallajökull, Hekla, Snæfellsjökull,
Basically any volcano!! Especially active ones!!!
future lin please come back and shrink image file sizes and/or host them somwhere else im too lazy rn
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